After you have previewed files in the recovered file system and determined that the data is in good shape, after you have signed in, you’re almost ready to save the files you wish to keep.

1. Make sure that all files you wish to recover are selected. Selected files have checks in their checkboxes.

2. Click the “Save Files” button. You’ll see a progress bar indicating that VirtualLab Client is waiting for data from VirtualLab Server. This may take a few moments. Then you will be asked to select a location in which to save the recovered files.

3. Using the Host Computer file tree on the left side of the screen, navigate to the Good Device. If the Good Device is properly connected to the Host Computer, the Good Device should appear in this file tree. If you are using the Host Computer as the Good Device, simply select a folder on the Host Computer in which to save the data.

4. Take a look at the pie chart. This neat feature tells you how much space is available in the save location you have chosen. The Free Space indicator tells you how much space is in the folder, and the Required Space indicator tells you how much space you need in order to save all recovered data.

5. If you need to add a folder to the file tree, select the existing folder in which you want to create the new folder and click the Create Folder icon. You will be prompted for a folder name. Type a name and click OK. The new folder will appear in the file tree.

6. You also have the option to save your recovered data to VirtualLab Server or to FTP server. FTP stands for “file-transfer protocol,” is simply a method of transferring data from one location to another, usually over the Internet. You can find tons of information about FTP by searching the Web. You need an FTP account in order to use this feature.

If you do not have an FTP account, and do not have enough free space on Good Device, try to save files to VirtualLab Server.
After you have choosed an option for saving files, press the “Start Saving” button and your data will be saved.


If you’ve choosen saving to VirtualLab Server, you should use “Remote Storage” tab when you launch VirtualLab next time:
Click the “Open Remote Storage” button and follow appearing instructions to get your files.